Meet A.J. Renold



Texas A&M University – Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center 

As Associate Director, I direct the administration and communications for the center’s research portfolio. The Texas A&M University Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center (ITEC) was established by the System Board of Regents in 2004. Operating under a Memorandum of Understanding with Internet2, ITEC’s focus is Real Time Communications (RTC). ITEC began by working on emergency communications projects but has since evolved into one of the premier emergency communications academic research centers in the world.
 I work to build strong, collaborative relationships with research partners at Texas A&M University (Engineering, The Bush School, TEEX, TEES, and RELLIS Combat Development Complex) as well as government agencies (Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation and the TX Department of Public Safety) to advance research in the development and deployment of communication technologies, data structures and analysis, high performance computing, visualization, and other aspects of cyberinfrastructure for public safety agencies.


 American Red Cross Central & South Texas
As Executive Director of the Heart of Texas Chapter of the American Red Cross, I was tasked with providing relief to local disasters in a 17-county region and was deployed to assist with multiple national disasters, including hurricanes Laura and Ida, the COVID 19 pandemic, tornados, over 300 home fires, the winter storm and the mass casualty tragedy in Uvalde.
In my time with American Red Cross, I worked with local emergency management professionals, the Texas Department of Emergency Management, National Guard, Texas Guard, FEMA, FBI, local government, as well as thousands of community volunteers to prepare, respond and recover from a record number of disasters over the past 3 years. I look forward to supporting the City of Bryan in times of need with my experience, knowledge, proven dedication to public service and support of those on the front line.
I now serve as an American Red Cross disaster relief volunteer and member of the Bryan ISD Safety Taskforce. As a council member, I will work to ensure our community is prepared to respond to any emergency. 


Court Appointed Special Advocates® (CASA)

My career started out in Bryan, as a volunteer coordinator for Voices for Children, CASA of the Brazos Valley. When a child enters the foster care system because his or her home is no longer safe, a judge may appoint a committed volunteer to advocate for the child. That volunteer is called a Court Appointed Special Advocate®, or CASA. CASA volunteers are screened, highly trained, and appointed by judges to represent and advocate for a child’s best interests in the child welfare system.
After 8 years, I became Executive Director of the organization. I worked to advocate for the most vulnerable citizens in the Brazos Valley, collaborating with 7 county courts and over 200 volunteer advocates to grow the organization capable of supporting 15 full time staff charged with the protection and trust of the best interest of children in foster care in my community.

I worked with families and the courts in Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Limestone, Freestone and Madison counties to ensure accurate information was shared so good decisions could be made for kids. In my career with CASA, I doubled our capacity to serve and cut the cost in half while also being honored with a national award for promising practices for advocacy for children.




Texas A&M University

I am a member of the Fightin Texas Aggie Class of ’02. Excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect, and selfless service are core values I share with my fellow Aggies.

University of North Texas 

I received a graduate degree at the Mayborn Graduate Institute of Journalism at the University of North Texas, the only nationally accredited journalism master’s program in Texas.

University of Texas School of Law Center for Public Policy Dispute Resolution 

Civil Mediation Certificate

Dispute Resolution Center of the Brazos Valley

Family Mediation Certificate




Bryan Rotary Club 

Wednesday in Bryan is for Bryan Rotary Club! I joined Bryan Rotary in 2017. Bryan Rotary is a 101-year-old institution whose mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. I am a proud past president and now serve as foundation chair and co secretary and treasurer. Bryan Rotary works to raise funds to support education, economic development and support local non-profits to meet the needs of our community through our Flags Across Bryan and Field of Valor events.  We meet every Wednesday to learn about issues in our community and work every year to contribute to our city through service. Service Above Self is our motto. I will bring the same values to Bryan City Council and work to meet the needs of our growing community as an involved and invested community leader.

American Red Cross 

I serve on the board of the American Red Cross Heart of Texas Chapter. Red Cross volunteers and staff work to deliver vital services – from providing relief and support to those in crisis, to helping you be prepared to respond in emergencies. I also serve as an Elected Official Liaison, State Operations Center Liaison and local Disaster Team member in Brazos County.  Emergency Management team volunteers develop and maintain productive working relationships with government partners and internal Red Cross units during steady state operations to fulfill Government Operations activities and objectives to enable an effective and efficient community response during a disaster while adhering to the principles of the Red Cross.

Bryan ISD Education Foundation 

Bryan ISD Education Foundation board members We invest in district programs that have a positive impact on student success. We provide opportunities for teachers to develop innovative classroom project through grants and we provide funds for scholarships to Bryan ISD students. This year, we received over 90 teacher grant applications and funded over $75,000 teachers!


Bryan ISD Safety Taskforce

The BISD Safety Taskforce is a team of professionals, including law enforcement, that meet regularly to review plans and protocols and assess security efforts to provide a safe and secure atmosphere for learning. for Bryan ISD Students.

Bryan ISD Superintendent Advisory Council

The Bryan ISD Superintendent Advisory Council is made up of community leaders who meet on a quarterly basis to learn about accomplishments and challenges of the school district. Members serve as a resource for the Superintendent and work to promote the ISD in the community.

Bryan ISD Parent Teacher Student Organizations (PTSO) 

Bryan Collegiate High School PTSO

Rayburn Middle School PTSO

Henderson Elementary PTSO

Boy Scouts of America

For over a decade, my sons have been involved with Boy Scouts. For over 100 years, Scouts has helped create generations of leaders and outstanding citizens. My oldest son (16) achieved Eagle Scout rank this year and my youngest son (14) is working to finish his Star rank. I believe in raising my sons to be prepared and self-sufficient, value service to their country and community and know how to finish what they start. Troop 976 is chartered in Bryan, TX and I serve as Charter Organization Representative, I’ve served as a Cub Scout den leader and parent leader for years and enjoy camping and teaching life skills. My greatest contribution to this world is my role as a mother. I have a record of putting my children first in everything I do and am beyond proud of the young men they have become.
First Presbyterian Children’s Center

FPCC is a Christian Center committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with its children in age-appropriate ways. FPCC is a non-profit daycare and mission of First Presbyterian Church Bryan, TX. In 2018, as an elder of my church, I was called to chair the FPCC committee. Charged with oversight of the center, including has 15 full-time staff and 75 children, the committee worked through the pandemic to keep doors open to care for the children of many essential workers. FPCC provides high quality, developmentally appropriate care to children in a Christian atmosphere.


Daughters of the American Revolution

I am a proud member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Come and Take It Chapter in the Brazos Valley. DAR members come from a variety of backgrounds and interests, but all share a common bond of having an ancestor who helped contribute to securing the independence of the United States of America. Like my ancestors, I believe it is my duty to serve my country through public service in my community. Daughters are vibrant, active women who are passionate about community service, preserving history, educating children, as well as honoring and supporting those who serve our nation.

Fiestas Patrias Mexicanas

The Fiestas Patrias Mexicanas of Bryan / College Station is a non-profit organization founded in the early 1990’s by Emilio Lopez, Sr., and Roy Lopez. Each year, for over 25 years, we organize a cultural celebration parade, which brings an estimated 10,000 people to the Historical Downtown Bryan District, in Bryan, Texas. The organization awards student scholarships and promotes Hispanic Heritage in the Brazos Valley. I served on the board for 3 years.